Book a Medechat Demonstration

Book a Demonstration with the Team

You can book a demonstration of just the Medechat Telehealth Platform or you can find out more about the VetCheck 24/7 after hours vet nurse triage service. When you sign up to VetCheck 24/7 the Medechat platform is included in the price.

Does your practice need after hours support?

Divert your after hours calls to VetCheck 24/7, the vet nurse triage service trusted by veterinary practices across Australia and New Zealand.

Let the highly experienced VetCheck 24/7 Vet Nurses triage your calls. They'll either resolve the issue themselves, divert your client to a video consult with a VetCheck 24/7 Vet or refer them to your chosen emergency clinic. Practices use this service for holiday cover, busy periods and out of hours advice. Call summaries and exam notes are sent back to you and all follow ups are also referred back to your practice. Let our Vet Nurses work for you with the VetCheck 24/7 service.

It’s like having vet nurses on staff 24 hours, 7 days.

The Medechat telehealth platform is included when you sign up to the VetCheck 24/7 service. Pricing for the VetCheck 24/7 service varies depending on your practices level of use.

Pet Owner on Phone to VetCheck 24/7 vet nurses on call

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